jueves, 6 de marzo de 2008


Saludos desde España:

In regards to our upcoming trip to New York, where we will be participating in the St. Patrick´s Day Parade, we would like to send "saludos" from Spain to all the great people whose efforts and work have made possible this reunion on American soil.

We would especially like to send greetings to all New York based Gallegos who work hard everyday to maintain their cultural origins and to keep alive the Galician spirit. The efforts of Gallegos and their descendents to demonstrate to the world their strength, their entrepreneurial ability, and to spread and keep alive the Galician cultural heritage is worth praise from everyone.

We would also like to greet our distant cousins, the Irish, who also left their homeland to seek new fortunes beyond the sea. They have not forgotten their origins, nor have they let the mythical images of Ireland slip into the past. Their love for their ancestral home and it’s spiritual culture is remarkable. We especially would like to greet the Ancient Order of Hibbernians who share a brotherhood with the “Orden de la Vieira” and have been a brilliant model of love for their native soil, their co-countrymen and it’s customs.

Of course we can’t forget the good American people who with open arms embrace all newcomers without distinction of cultures nor origins.

To all of you our affections and a big hug. We will see you soon.

El Consello de la Enxebre Orde da Vieira.